Merry christmas~Done 2 剪报 ler. But still got 6 more to do. Sob.
Feel like playing maple. But need to do 1 剪报 more before i can play. sianned.
Oh ya btw, pressies anyone? xD
Sianzzified on 17:53
2 more days to Christmas. So fast. =( Then 8 more days to a brand new year. Really hope that day dont come so fast. hiax.Only done 1 剪报. x.x Luckily the deadline of this project is 11 January. Still long to go. Hahas.
Bored. Hope the weather of singapore is like genting highland's. Everyday is only about 24 degree celsius. >.<
Tomorrow going to aunt's house celebrate christmas. yay! But quite sad lars. A lot of peeps will not be coming tomorrow. So many go oversea and skip christmas. No fair~
Labels: Santa Claus is coming to town...
Sianzzified on 19:39
Hiax... Maple is going crazy ler. The server maintainence really did remove quite alot of bugs, but ever since then, the whole maple is starting to lag like hell. Cant believe a 1GB ram com also will lag like hell. What should i do? Buy new computer just to play maple? -.-Yesterday died more than 3 times. The first time was completely crap. After i found my slot and released my dark sight, my com immediately hang there. Then i got dis-connected. When i log in, my last lucky charm gone and got kick from my pt. >.< 11:30am only lor, the whole of sotong and goby full house ler. Wth...
Last time i die is at my 99th %. Crazy sia, the com was lagging, then i put my character at the safe platform of the red kentarus map. Then when the lag is gone, my character was below the safe platform and dead. Fck lor. Could have leveled at 9:10pm, cuz my % is 98 lers and im on 2x exp. But i went to have my dinner... Then on 9:45pm when my 2x exp is going to end, i die. If not i could have just go back orbis and earn $ ler lor. Make me lose my 2mil mesos just to level in that day. >.<
Holiday is so boring. The only thing that i feel like doing is to play. =) Jian bao still dont bother to do. hahas. Think im going to change my blogskin soon, when i have my 50th post of the blog. Gee
Sianzzified on 13:41